Here is a list of essential oil blends to soothe sore, aching, stiff muscles. Remember to dilute them (1% – 2% dilution) with carrier oils because of their potency. For carrier oils, jojoba oil and apricot oil are more suitable for those with normal to oily skin. For drier skin, use sunflower oil, coconut oil or fractionated coconut oil instead.

Citronella + Clary Sage + Bergamot
Citronella is a popular food ingredient and natural remedy for various ailments such as pain, infection and rashes in multiple parts of Asia. Clary sage contains antispasmodic properties that ease indigestion, stomach aches and muscle cramps. Bergamot’s natural analgesic properties provide relief for muscle aches, headaches and even arthritis:
- Massage Blend:
Combine 6-8 drops each of the oils in a 2oz/60ml amber glass bottle or amber glass essential oil bottle with a dropper and fill the balance with carrier oil. - Bath Therapy:
Combine 1 cup Epsom salt + ½ cup baking soda (optional) + 3-5 drops each of the oils diluted in 2 tablespoons carrier oil in warm bath water. Soak in this cleansing and soothing bath for 15 minutes. - Aching Joints:
Combine 3-6 drops of Clary sage in a 10/15ml roller bottle and fill the balance with carrier oil. Use this for aching joints.
Eucalyptus + Peppermint + Lavender
Eucalyptus is an anti-spasmodic and decongestant. Not only will it help with muscle spasms, it can help clear congestion and provide relief to coughs, colds and allergies. Peppermint’s main component, menthol, is well known to reduce headaches, muscle aches and skin irritation with its natural numbing effects. Lavender’s anti-spasmodic, analgesic and sedating qualities provides relief for muscular discomfort, nervous tension and insomnia.
- Massage Blend:
Combine 6-8 drops each of the oils in a 2oz/60ml amber glass bottle or amber glass essential oil bottle with a dropper and fill the balance with carrier oil. - Decongesting Facial Steam:
If you’re getting aches from sinus or congestion, try this. Heat up 4 cups of water until it reaches a simmer, let it simmer for a few minutes and then pour into a large glass bowl. Add 2 drops eucalyptus + 2 drops lavender into the hot water, no need to stir or mix.
Drape a towel over your head. Carefully move your face at least 6 inches away from the steam. You can move your face as far as 12 inches away or lift a corner of the towel to cool down. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation to the eyes, inhale deeply and steam for no longer than 10 minutes, practice this no more than once a week. - Hot/Cold Compress
Infuse 2 cups of tolerable hot water (not burning)/cold water iced or refrigerated water (not freezing) with 1 drop each of the oils. Soak a small towel in the infused water. Wring out the excess and place it over the area that requires treatment until it the compress has cooled down or warmed up to your body’s natural temperature.
If the compress keeps slipping, lightly bandage or cling wrap it to keep it in place. For hot compress, you may please another towel on top to trap the warmth.
Grapefruit + Ylang Ylang + Geranium
Grapefruit encourages healthy circulation and detoxification of bodily toxins, which is actually one of the reasons for muscular and joint pain. Ylang ylang also helps with the body’s circulation to ease pain and inflammation. Geranium promotes pain relief and relaxation with its analgesic and sedative properties. All three essential oils are also able to relieve premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings as well as soreness and menstrual cramps.
- Roll On/Perfume:
Combine 2 drops each of the oils in a 15ml amber glass roller bottle and fill the balance with carrier oil. Apply onto sore shoulders or other areas that require it, you can also use this as natural perfume. - Bath Therapy:
Combine 2 cups dead sea salt + 8-10 drops each of the oils in a big glass bowl. Pour this mixture into a bath tub with hot or warm running water and wait until the blend fully dissolves. Soak for 15 minutes to improve overall circulation and alleviate muscular and nervous tension. - Menstrual Cramps:
Dilute 2 drops geranium with 1 teaspoon carrier oil and gently massage it onto abdomen in a clockwise direction.
Basil + Lime + Mandarin
Basil has multi-purpose benefits ranging from deterring insects, providing respiratory support and alleviating muscular aches and pain. Lime is a natural anti-viral; protecting the body from harmful threats as certain threats causes the body to have pains and aches. Mandarin is a gentle analgesic and carminative, relieving pain and flatulence.
- Massage Blend:
Combine 6-8 drops each of the oils in a 2oz/60ml amber glass bottle or amber glass essential oil bottle with a dropper and fill the balance with carrier oil. - Bath Therapy:
Combine 1 cup Epsom salt + ½ cup baking soda (optional) + 3-5 drops each of the oils diluted in 2 tablespoons carrier oil in warm bath water. Soak in this anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant bath for 15 minutes to encourage healthy digestion, improve mood and soothe sore and stiff muscles. - Roll On/Perfume:
Combine 2 drops each of the oils in a 15ml amber glass roller bottle and fill the balance with carrier oil. Apply onto sore shoulders or other areas that require it, you can also use this as natural perfume.
Oregano + Cedarwood + Lemon
Oregano’s anti-inflammatory properties improve various skin conditions, combat fungal infections and help to diminish pain. Cedarwood addresses body discomfort such as muscle spasms, soreness and stiffness. Lemon enlivens the body by aiding the detoxification process and respiratory system while creating a cheerful atmosphere.
- Massage Blend:
Combine 6-8 drops each of the oils in a 2oz/60ml amber glass bottle or amber glass essential oil bottle with a dropper and fill the balance with carrier oil. - Decongesting Facial Steam:
If you’re getting aches from sinus or congestion, try this. Heat up 4 cups of water until it reaches a simmer, let it simmer for a few minutes and then pour into a large glass bowl. Add 2 drops oregano + 2 drops lemon into the hot water, no need to stir or mix.
Drape a towel over your head. Carefully move your face at least 6 inches away from the steam. You can move your face as far as 12 inches away or lift a corner of the towel to cool down. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation to the eyes, inhale deeply and steam for no longer than 10 minutes, practice this no more than once a week. - Hot/Cold Compress
Infuse 2 cups of tolerable hot water (not burning)/cold water iced or refrigerated water (not freezing) with 1 drop each of the oils. Soak a small towel in the infused water. Wring out the excess and place it over the area that requires treatment until it the compress has cooled down or warmed up to your body’s natural temperature.
If the compress keeps slipping, lightly bandage or cling wrap it to keep it in place. For hot compress, you may please another towel on top to trap the warmth.
Avoid using olive oil or argan oil as they both have a distinctive smell that may clash with the scents of the essential oils. Many essentials oils are also phototoxic so if you’re applying it via a massage, avoid direct sunlight for at least 12 hours. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a medical condition and/or on long term medication, please consult with a medical professional before proceeding with essential oils and their blends.