DIY Essentials Oil Perfumes

You love the way your living space smells after diffusing essential oils, so why not explore the possibilities of using it as a perfume? Store bought perfumes can be pricey and if you’re using it frequently, it means having to restock every 2 – 3 months, which may eventually burn a hole in your pocket.

Creating your own perfume with essential oils isn’t rocket science. With research and imagination, you can whip up your own perfume in no time at all. One major thing to remember is essential oils are potent and too much for the skin to tolerate, therefore must always be diluted and applied via carrier oil that’s suitable for your skin. What you’ll need are:

  • A clean glass bottle/an old perfume bottle that’s been thoroughly cleaned (typically around 100ml/3.4 oz)
  • Unscented carrier oil – jojoba oil is recommended for its lightweight feel
  • Your choice of essential oils – a base note, a middle note and a top note
  • A glass measuring cup (if necessary)

For the dilution rates, as perfume is often sprayed sparingly in specific parts of the body rather than applied all over like a lotion, the dilution rate starts from 1% and go up to no more than 5% (if you want the scents of the essential oils to stand out). Let’s compare the percentage to 100ml carrier oil (for easier calculation):

Dilution PercentageEssential Oil Amount
(Drops/ Millilitre)
Base, middle and top note ratios
1%20 drops/1 ml10 drops base note
5 drops middle note
5 drops top note
2%40 drops/2ml20 drops base note
10 drops middle note
10 drops top note
3%60 drops/3ml30 drops base note
15 drops middle note
15 drops top note
4%80 drops/4ml40 drops base note
20 drops middle note
20 drops top note
5%100 drops/5ml50 drops base note
25 drops middle note
25 drops top note

For your first time, make sure to start at the lowest dilution percentage – 1%, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Here is a list of essential oil scents to help you decide your preference in terms of fragrance and give you an idea of how to start and also scent combination ideas.


Let’s start with a versatile scent that goes well with numerous essential oils. Geranium is a wonderful middle note with a floral and lemony aroma. It goes well with other floral scents such as jasmine, lavender and rose. It also goes well with non floral scents such as basil, cedarwood and orange.


Speaking of versatile scents, lavender is not just versatile in terms of usage but also in terms of being combined with other scents. Lavender can act as both the middle and the top note. Its floral scent is softer compared to geranium, it’s more sweet and herbal. It works harmoniously with both citrus and floral scents such as bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, rose, geranium and ylang ylang.


Top notes acts as the first impression in fragrance, it’s usually the first scent you smell when testing perfumes. The citrus family – bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, are lovely top notes and bergamot also doubles as a middle note. These refreshing and fruity scents go with just about anything from clary sage, juniper berry, rose, cedarwood, sandalwood and vetiver.


Now let’s talk about base notes. They play another important part in fragrance, they are the foundation of the fragrances and perfumes, and their scents also lasts the longest. Jasmine has a rich, sweet and floral scent which is perfect to use as a base note. It blends beautifully with a number of other essential oils such as lemongrass, spearmint, orange, rose and geranium.


Vetiver is earthy, smoky and woody. It is an intense luxurious base note commonly used in men’s fragrance as vetiver is known as a “masculine” scent to many. It is an ideal choice for those who prefer a muskier scent. It blends well with bergamot, clary sage, cypress, lavender and lemon.


Where vetiver is commonly used in men’s fragrance, rose on the other hand is commonly used in women’s fragrance. It is another powerful base note, known for its strong and deep floral scent. Rose combines well with vetiver, ylang ylang, clove, chamomile, geranium, bergamot and lemon.

Once you’re done researching, experimenting and have successfully made your own perfume. Remember to store in a dark and cool place away from sunlight to preserve the freshness and most importantly, the scent. And most importantly, use prime quality essential oils that are 100% pure.