Essential Oil Etiquette in the Office

Essential oils diffused in the workspace can be helpful in fighting off midday slumps and sluggishness, stimulating cognitive function to increase concentration and productivity and overall improving employee’s moods. However, there are some things to take into account before diffusing essential oils at your workplace.

It’s no secret that aromatherapy is not for everyone so it is best to keep the smells to yourself initially. If you have your own personal workspace, you can just place a portable diffuser on your desk or spray your own office with a DIY essential oil spray, and if your office has a standard cubicle setting, perhaps you may want to consider diffuser jewelries.

Even with your own office, very likely there will be colleagues going in and out regularly. In that case, try to use a scent that is generally liked by many such as citrus (bergamot, grapefruit, lemon etc.) or mint (eucalyptus, peppermint and spearmint etc.). Essential oils from the citrus and mint family are brilliant for creating an uplifting environment and giving you a boost of energy.

You definitely want to consider using less essential oil to the smell isn’t as strong. Remember that everyone has their own preferences, what may smell amazing to you may not smell so amazing to someone else. If you truly want to diffuse essential oils openly, especially in common areas such as the bathroom, breakroom, conference room and etc., do consult with your colleagues first.

It is extremely important to discuss with your colleagues before diffusing essential oils in the office. You never know who may be allergic or sensitive to essential oils. You may think it sounds odd or absurd but in truth, anyone can be allergic or sensitive, or develop an allergy or sensitivity to anything. This is not something to be taken lightly.

People who react positively to essential oils may experience emotional wellness, less midday slump and fatigue, and even better focus and concentration throughout the day. But people who react negatively to essential oils can experience constant sneezing or coughing, difficulty breathing or even painful headaches or migraines that require them to take a day off from work.

Now say you have the green light to diffuse essential oils in your office, make sure to do in a well ventilated and open space. Don’t diffuse essential oils in a small, cramp, enclosed space such as a storage room. Essential oils come in little glass vials but remember that they are potent so they pack a punch even if you only use a little. It can become overwhelming very quickly.

Make sure to have ample breaks in between as well if you plan on diffusing it all day long. It is not ideal to diffuse at full blast one full day. Our receptors can only handle so much. Even calming oils such as chamomile, frankincense or petitgrain, can end up overwhelming us instead of promoting relaxation.

To summarize, make sure to consult with your colleagues before diffusing the essential oils around the office to check if they have any allergies, sensitivities or discomfort to essential oils or fragrance in general, otherwise keep the smells to yourself, and don’t overdo it with the scents. Worst case scenario, leave the essential oils at home.