Essential Oils for Flatulence

Flatulence, passing wind or farting, is a common and normal daily occurrence. It is the body’s way of getting rid of built-up gas from swallowing food, drinks and saliva. However, excessive flatulence can lead to issues such as bloating, indigestion among other digestive related issues. Here are some essential oils to help with that:


Also known as Dalmatian sage, its carminative properties have a long and reputable history for addressing issues related to digestion. Incorporated in a belly massage aids the body’s detoxification process and addresses stomach cramps and constipation. Additionally, inhaling its clean and herbaceous aroma helps combat nausea, fatigue and headaches.


Just like sage, lemongrass has an extensive history in treating ailments related to the gut and is still being used to assist in digestion to date. Diluting with carrier oil and applying it topically is soothing for aching muscles, headaches and stomach cramps. However, strong dilution (0.5% – 0.7%) is necessary and make sure to never use lemongrass essential oil during the daytime due to it being phototoxic. Lemongrass is also a useful multi-purpose oil to keep in stock.

Ginger/Ginger Root

Ingesting ginger in food and drinks is beneficial for bloating, cramping, indigestion, nausea and the common cold. Ginger or ginger root essential oil should be used sparingly (0.5% dilution) for topical applications as it is considered a hot oil, massaging your belly with the diluted oil provides relief for constipation, menstrual cramps and aerophagia, also known as trapped gas.

Dill Weed

Dill was widely used by ancient Greeks and Romans as a remedy for upset stomachs as it can help boost the digestive system and regulate the secretion of digestive juices. When used topically, dill weed essential oil soothes muscle spasms, pulled over overstrained muscle, menstrual cramps, indigestion and excess gas.

Sweet Marjoram

Sweet marjoram has the ability to relax the muscles, making it effective in addressing headaches, muscular pain, and abdominal discomforts such as constipation, dyspepsia and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Furthermore, individuals who are suffering from stress and insomnia will also benefit from diffusing sweet marjoram essential oil at the end of the day.


Speaking of stress, stress is one of the factors that causes and contributes to issues associated with the gut. If you’re experiencing stress induced abdominal pain such as spasms and gas, chamomile’s carminative and analgesic properties will be able to relieve these symptoms. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties will also relieve dry and itchy skin, along with skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema.


Rosemary essential oil boosts the body’s natural detoxification process, facilitating healthier digestion to combat issues such as bloating, constipation and cramps. In addition to that, inhaling its energizing and herbaceous scent facilitates easier breathing and boosts the immune system to combat free radicals and infections.

While essential oils may provide some assistance and relief, you should not be completely reliant on them to be the solution to your gut health. They are not replacements for prescribed medicine. If issues associated with digestion are persistent, please consult a doctor or a gastroenterologist.