Sleep plays such a major role in our lives. It allows us to recharge our energy, keeping us focused when performing our daily tasks and maintaining our health so we don’t get sick easily. Getting 7 hours of sleep is a struggle, but being able to sleep peacefully without disturbances is another challenge. Here is a list of essential oils that will help with just that.

Well known for its reputation of being a natural relaxant, sleep inducer and a cure all, it’s no surprise that chamomile essential oil is the first on the list. This sweet and herbaceous scented essential oil is rich with anti-inflammatory properties. When diluted and applied or massaged via carrier oil addresses multiple issues such as skin irritation, dryness, flatulence and joint pain.
A gentle yet powerful sedative and mood enhancer, lavender essential oil produces a relaxing atmosphere with its comforting floral scent to alleviate unfavourable feelings such as stress, irritability, headaches, depression and anxiety. This will allow you to fall asleep more easily and deeply with significantly less sleep disturbances. Combine with chamomile if desired for that extra boost of relaxation.
Although commonly used as fragrance in cosmetics for its sweet and bright floral scent, geranium essential oil has natural sedative properties that can provide relief to those who are suffering from emotional distress and insomnia. It also assists in improving cognitive function to enhance focus. Furthermore, when diluted with carrier oil and applied topically, its analgesic properties can provide pain relief, including menstrual discomfort.
If you’re having trouble sleeping or staying focused due to the lack of sleep, cedarwood essential oil is a great choice as it is a natural stress reliever. It reduces stress and stimulates the cerebral activity to increase mental focus while decreasing the tendency to get distracted and hyperactive. Due to its anti-septic qualities, this balsamic scented essential oil can also be utilized as an air purifier to facilitate clearer breathing and as insect repellent.
Here is another essential oil that can be utilized to encourage easier breathing and relaxation to prep for bedtime, frankincense. When diffused, its earthy and spicy scent eliminates airborne bacteria and clears the nasal passageway to combat congestion, and at the same time, manage feelings of anxiety and other emotional distress, providing a clean and calm space for you to have a well rested night of sleep.
Ginger is typically associated with relieving bloating and nausea, but did you know diffusing ginger essential oil can assist those who are suffering from insomnia? By soothing unwanted feelings such as stress, dizziness, fatigue and so on, it can promote emotional stability and hopefulness, allowing you to go to sleep more easily and with much less worries. Its warming properties also make it suitable to be used during cooler seasons such as autumn and winter.
As important as sleep is, there are so many people who aren’t getting enough of it due to irregular or long working hours, staying up late for an exam or project, stress, addiction to screen binging or other forms of less healthy entertainment, insomnia and more. While essential oils do help with encouraging relaxation and sleep, it may not be enough depending on the severity of your stress, insomnia or other issues that are preventing you from getting a good night’s rest. If this does appear to be the case, do consult a sleep specialist or a medical professional.